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Guides Overview

Welcome to Enklu's guides! It does not matter if you are an augmented reality industry veteran, or someone who is just starting to embark on their AR journey, our guides are here to help.


Guides vs API Reference

Our docs fall into 2 main categories:Ā GuidesĀ and theĀ API Reference. While there is some overlap between our guides and our API Reference docs, they aim to achieve different goals.


Guides are more like walkthroughs. A guide takes a larger concept and breaks it down into concrete steps. Then it leads the user through those steps. The goal of the guide is to empower the reader with a solid understanding of the concept so that they may apply the same concept to their own projects.

API Reference

TheĀ API ReferenceĀ is meant for specific pieces of our API. The API Reference docs are less similar to walkthroughs and focus more on details and showing code examples.

Who Can Use Enklu's Guides?

Our guides can be used by anyone. Their topics are written to be specifically related to ourĀ Web EditorĀ andĀ HoloLens appĀ products. But there are no skill requirements or experience expectations preventing someone from using these guides.

Enklu's guides cover a range of topics varying in complexity. However, they are written to be friendly and encouraging for anyone to read. We try our best not to block complicated subjects behind long words or complicated sentences. We want people to learn as much as they can, so they can start creating amazing things with augmented reality.

Help Us Help You

We are always looking to improve and expand our documentation. If you see a guide that is unclear or you don't see a guide that you need,Ā let us know.

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