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Guides Overview

The Audio API is available on any Element whose Asset contains an audio clip. It's recommended to use a null check to ensure all instances of your script have their dependencies.

if (!this.audio) {
    log.error('Asset missing audio support!');

Controlling Playback

A visible Element containing audio can be started and stopped using play and stop.


Modifying Properties

Each of the following properties can be retrieved and set:

// Invert looping
this.audio.loop = !this.audio.loop;

// Mute
this.audio.mute = true;

// Volume
this.audio.volume = 0.5;

Tween Integration

Tweening can be used to modify volume over time.

const tween = require('tween');

var twnVolume = tween.number(this, 'audio.volume')

Instance Properties

length <number>

The length of the audio source in seconds.

isPlaying <bool>

If the audio source is currently playing or not.

volume <number>

The volume of the audio source (0.0 to 1.0).

loop <bool>

Whether or not the audio source should loop.

mute <bool>

Mutes or unmnutes the audio source. Mute sets the volume to 0.0. Unmuting restores the previous volume.

playOnAwake <bool>

Whether or not the audio source will automatically start playing on awake.

spatialBlend <float>

How much the audio source is affected by 3D spatialization. 0.0 is full 2D; 1.0 is full 3D.

minDistance <float>

Within the minimum distance, the sound will no longer grow louder.

maxDistance <float>

The maximum distance to which the audio source will attenuate.

dopplerLevel <float>

The doppler scale for the audio source.

hangTime <float>

The amount of time processing should hold at a dB level.

Instance Methods


Plays the audio source.


Stops playback on the audio source.

mapLevelFloat(element, schemaKey, minDb, maxDb, minVal, maxVal)

Maps output level to a schema float value of an element.

unmapLevelFloat(element, schemaKey)

Removes output level to schema key mapping.

mapLevelVec3(element, schemaKey, minDb, maxDb, minVal, maxVal)

Maps output level to a schema Vec3 value of an element.

unmapLevelVec3(element, schemaKey)

Removes output level to schema key mapping.

mapLevelBool(element, schemaKey, db)

Maps output level to a schema boolean value of an element.

unmapLevelBool(element, schemaKey)

Removes output level to schema key mapping.

Next: Checksum

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