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Enklu Embedded
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Confirm you have access to Enklu's enkluplayer repository.
If you use a Git GUI like Sourcetree, the cloning process should look something like this:
Select Clone at the top
Input enkluplayer's clone HTTPS URL: https://github.com/enklu/enkluplayer.git which can be found on the repo's GitHub page:
Chose the destination for the repository to be cloned to
Press the Clone button at the bottom, and wait for the repo to clone locally.
Verify you can see the cloned repo either in your Git GUI or in the chosen destination location
Open Unity Hub.
Select Installs and verify that you have the correct Unity version installed (Found in "enkluplayer/README.md"). The current version should be Unity 2019.4.17.
If you do not have the correct version, install the correct Unity version by selecting Add and choosing the correct version. (if it's not listed, go to the Unity Download Archive and launch it into UnityHub from there)
When installing, include packages: UWP, WebGL, Android, iOS, and Windows (IL2CPP).
After the Unity install is complete, return to Projects.
Open your enkluplayer Unity project by clicking Add:
Navigate to enkluplayer-uwp and click Select Folder:
Open the enkluplayer-uwp from Unity Hub, and wait for Unity to load
You should see your Unity project open:
Universal Windows Platform development
option is checked, and finish the installation.There is now an easier / quicker method for every day builds: Mixed Reality > Toolkit > Utilities > Build Window
Under Unity Build Options
, set the Target Device
to HoloLens
Under Appx Build Options
, make sure you have set Build Platform
to ARM64
(for HoloLens 2)
Under Deploy Options
set the Target Type
to Remote
and enter IP, Username and Password
(same as when you connect via Device Portal)
Make sure your HoloLens2 is turned on and press Test Connection
- you should get a "Successful connection to ..." message
Press Build all
(after the first build this will change to Build all, then install
Once complete the new build will show up at the bottom of the Deploy Options
page and you can Install
and Launch
it from there! Also take note of the View Player Log
Open the build menu with File > Build Settings
. Universal Windows Platform should be selected already.
(Optional) Enable Development Build
, Autoconnect Profiler
, and Script Debugging
if you want to create a debug build that the Unity profiler can connect to. As always, more debugging increases the performance impact that Unity has on the generated build.
Click Build
and select a folder outside of the Unity Assets
folder to build into. This will take several minutes, do not close Unity or turn off your computer during this time.
Navigate to the folder generated, and open the solution file generated. This must be opened in Visual Studio, as other IDEs cannot generate the HoloLens build archives.
In the Solution Explorer
right click the Enklu (Universal Windows)
project and select Publish > Create app packages...
Select Sideloading
and continue.
Use the default certificate for now.
On the package configuration view, set the version number as appropriate, set app bundle generation to Always
, and select the proper architecture for your device. HoloLens 2 can run ARM64 while HoloLens 1 runs x86. Production builds use the Master configuration while development builds need to run as Release. (Master builds tend to take longer to create, but can be slightly more performant)
Press Create at the bottom and Visual Studio will generate the app packages. This will take several minutes. Do not close Visual Studio or turn off your computer during this process.
file that was generated. This file is what will be sideloaded onto the device.In your browser, type the IPv4 address you found into the navigation window and hit enter.
You should then see a screen then see a login dialog box or a Setup access screen. If you instead see an "Unsafe connection" or similar screen, click Advanced at the bottom and Proceed anyway.
If you see a login dialog box at the top...
And you have device pairing credentials already, input your device pairing credentials here
But you have never paired your device and therefore have no credentials to input. To create new credentials, purposefully fail the log in 3 times and it will bring you to a Setup access screen
Failing the login will cause your browser to bring up the following window to request a new PIN:
Requesting a pin will display a code in the lens that you need to input on this page. Then set up your username and password and submit the form.
Now you should be able to retype your IPv4 address into your browser URL bar and use the username and password you just created to log into the device portal.
Navigate to Views / Apps
Choose the file you wish to sideload and click Install
Once it has finished installing, launch it from within the HoloLens or from the list of Installed apps on the Device Portal.
Next: Scripting Overview
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