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Guides Overview

The Tween API provides element tweening operations. These are highly recommended over tweening objects "by hand" inside of your own update loops. Not only does the tween API provide excellent easing functions and a terse API, it is implemented as part of the player runtime so it is highly optimized.

const tw = require('tween');

Creating a Tween

Tweens are created specific to the name and type of prop they affect. To that end, we provide three types of tweens: numbervec3, and col4. The vector types are tweened component-wise.

Neither the name nor the type of the prop may be changed after the tween has been created.

// get the element
var el = this.findOne('..tweener');

// create a tween on the vec3 'scale' prop
var vectorTween = tw.vec3(el, 'scale');

// create a tween on the col4 'color' prop
var colorTween = tw.col4(el, 'color');

// create a tween on the number 'alpha' prop
var alphaTween = tw.number(el, 'alpha');

Configuring a tween

Each parameter on a tween is configured through a corresponding function on the tween. These functions can be chained to configure tweens very quickly and easily.

Most parameters are optional. The only required parameter is to, which provides the value to tween to.

var a = tw
    .number(this.findOne('..covering'), 'alpha')

    // (required) The value to tween to.

    // (optional) The starting value. If not specified, the starting value will be the current value.

    // (optional) The duration, in seconds, of the tween. Defaults to 1.

    // (optional) The delay, in seconds, before the tween should start.

    // (optional) The easing equation to use. Defaults to tw.easing.Linear.

    // (optional) A function to call when the tween is first started.
    .onStart(function() { log.info('Started!'); })

    // (optional) A function to call after the tween has been completed
    .onComplete(function() { log.info('Complete!'); });

Tween Playback

Once a tween is created, playback is controlled by functions on the tween itself. Note that once a tween has been started, the tween's configuration may not be changed. Note that none of these functions return the tween object. This is intentional as nothing may be configured after start has been called.

var a = tw.number(el, 'foo').to(1);

// starts the tween

// pauses the tween at the current time

// resumes the tween from the paused state

// stops the tween

Module Methods

number(element, prop)

vec3(element, prop)

col4(element, prop)

Creates a tween for a numbervec3, or col4.

Tween Class Methods


Sets the target value for the tween.


Sets the start value for the tween.


Sets the easing type for the tween. Supported easing types:


Sets the duration of the tween in seconds.


Sets an amound of time, in seconds, to wait before the tween starts.


Enables a tween to loop until .pause() or .stop() is called.


Registers a function that is called when the tween completes.


Registers a function that is called when the tween starts.


Starts the tween.


Stops and completes the tween.


Stops the tween while preserving state so it may be started again.


Resumes a paused tween.

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