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Guides Overview

VineML is a powerful markup language designed to be very familiar to anyone that has used HTML. It is useful for creating any type of element hierarchy in a scene and assigning values to those elements. A combination of VineML and Behavior scripts can be used to create rich applications in Enklu.

Language QuickStart

/* A vine header is optional, but helps with code readability.*/

/* Documents can have only a single root element. */
    /* Tags can be self closing like this button. */
    <Button label='Hello World!' />

Note that VineML supports C-style block comments.

VineML files are called documents. These documents are made up of a hierarchy of nested tags, starting from a single root element. Each tag can have zero or more attributes. To create your first VineML document, it's easiest to jump right in with an example.

<aside> ⚠️ Warning: All vines must start with < so put any comments below that starting line


This is not valid VineML.

/* This will create an error*/

This is valid VineML.

/* This will work fine*/


This is not valid VineML.


These are both valid options.

<Container />

This is not valid VineML.

<Text>Hello World</Text>

Instead, we use attributes.

<Text label='Hello World' />

Tags follow XHTML conventions, i.e. every tag must be closed. In HTML, we can write <br>, but in VineML this is invalid. Every tag must have a closing tag or it must be a self-closing tag.

In addition, tags may not have raw text inside of them. All values are passed to tags through attributes.


    position=(0, 1, 1)

While tags define the object structure, attributes define the object properties. VineML has support for string, boolean, number, and vector literals. Any property of an element may be passed through element attributes.

Embedded Vines

Vines can be embedded into Behavior scripts with the use the of the global app object found throughout every project. Here is an example of creating an array of vines inside a Behavior script. You can create and control more complex vine systems using this style. Check out the public Button script for another reference.

var self = this;
var text = "hello";
var arrayElements = [];
var numberOfElements = 5;

function enter() {
  var position = vec3(0,0,0);
  for(let i=0; i<numberOfElements; i++){
    position.y +=0.05;
		//create array of vines
    arrayElements[i]  = app.elements.createFromVine(self,   
      '<Text id="myVineID" label="' + text + 
        '" fontSize= 50"' +
        '"position=' + position +

function exit() {
  for(let i=0; i<numberOfElements; i++){
		//destroy vines to prevent a memory leak

module.exports = {
  enter: enter,
  exit: exit

Built-In Tags

VineML supports several built-in elements that you can use to build complex interactions for your experience. All tag elements share a core set of attributes.

name type default description
id string A generated guid An ID that is unique to the experience.
name string The tag name (i.e, "Button") A descriptive name.
visible bool true Whether the element is visible in the scene.
postition vec3 vec3(0,0,0) The relative position of the element.
rotation vec3 vec3(0,0,0) The element's rotation.
scale vec3 vec3(1,1,1) The element's scale.
color col4 col4(1,1,1,1) The base color of the element.
virtualColor string "None" Virtual Color tint applied to the widget.
alpha float 1.0 The transparency of the element.
colorMode int 0 (WidgetColorMode.InheritColor) How the element's color is affected by the color of its parent.
tweenIn int 1 (TweenType.Responsive) The type of tween applied when fading in.
tweenOut int 1 (TweenType.Responsive) The type of tween applied when fading out.
layerMode int 0 (LayerMode.Default) Determines whether an element is considered to be in the front, middle, or back.
autoDestroy bool false Wheter an element should be detstroyed when it is no longer visible.
face string null Describes whether the element should always face a certain direction


An invisible element used for organization, often as the root tag of a VineML script.


An element for displaying text.


name type default description
label string null The text to display.
font string OpenSans-Regular A supported Font
fontSize int 80 The size of the text.
fontColor string White The Virtual Color color of the text.
alignment string "MidRight" The alignment of the text. See Text Alignment Values below for all acceptable values.
display string "Overlay" Controls how the text is displayed in the environment. See Text Display Value below for all acceptable values.
width float 1500 The maximum width of a line of text.
height float 0 The height of the text display.
lineSpacing float 1 How much space is between lines of text.
overflow string Overflow Horizontal wrapping behavior. See Horizontal Wrap Values below.
verticalOverflow string Overflow Vertical wrapping behavior. See Vertical Wrap Values below.
text.shadow.color col4 null Text shadow color
text.shadow.offset vec3 null Text shadow offset
text.outline.color col4 null Text outline color
text.outline.offset vec3 null Text outline offset


Basic button element.

<Button> element contains a <Text>, so the attributes of a <Text> element may also be applied.

name type default description
src string null URL for icon.
icon string null Name of icon, as given in icon list.
label string null The button's label.
font string OpenSans-Regular A supported Font
label.padding int 60 Determines distance between center of circle and label.
fontSize int 80 Determines the font size of the button's label.
icon.scale float 1 Icon scale multiplier.
voiceActivator string null If set to a keyword, adds voice recognition for activating a button.
layout string "horizontal" Describes how the button is laid out. Can be set to horizontal or vertical. If set to anything other than vertical, the layout will be horizontal.
aim.multiplier float 1 Scalar for aim, which is used to determine how a button is activated.
stability.multiplier float 1 Scalar for stability, which is used to determine how a button is activated.
fill.duration.multiplier float 1 Scalar for fill duration, used to extend or shorten how long it takes to activate a button.
ready.frameScale float 1 Scale of the button's frame while in the ready state.
activating.frameScale float 1 Scale of the button's frame while in the activating state.
activated.frameScale float 1 Scale of the button's frame while in the activated state.
ready.scale vec3 (1,1,1) Scale of the button in the ready state.
activating.scale vec3 (1.1,1.1,1.1) Scale of the button in activating state.
activated.scale vec3 (1,1,1) Scale of the button in activated state.
ready.color string "Ready" The Virtual Color of the button's ready state.
ready.captionColor string "Primary" The Virtual Color of the button label in ready state.
ready.tween string "Responsive" The Tween Type of the button in ready state.
activating.color string "Interacting" The Virtual Color of the button's activating state.
activating.captionColor string "Interacting" The Virtual Color of the button label in activating state.
activating.tween string "Responsive" The Tween Type of the button in activating state.


Displays an image.

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A paginated display for menu options. The menu options are comprised of the tag's children.

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