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Guides Overview

A Space Scan is not complete without anchors. Anchors guide the device in positioning content relative to the physical world. By default, every Space has anchors automatically generated at the end of the scan process. Anchors can be added, moved, or deleted as needed.

Creating a New Anchor

While editing a Space, a new anchor can be created from the floating UI display.

It's recommended to place an anchor near a surface that won't move. Walls and large pieces of furniture are great options. It's not advised to place an anchor on something likely to move, like a chair or door.

Modifying an Existing Anchor

An anchor can be repositioned after it is created. Simply select it, and choose the move option.

After an anchor has been moved, it will need to be uploaded again before the Space is ready.

To delete an anchor, select it and choose the delete option from its menu.

Auto-Generating Anchors

It's possible to auto generate anchors again for a space. This process will remove all the existing anchors and create new ones. To auto generate anchors, select the Auto Generate Anchors option from the Space's UI menu.

Next: Downloading the Scan

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