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Guides Overview

Assets are placed in the scene by creating a new element in the hierarchy and assigning an asset to that element.

Dragging an Asset into the Canvas

The easiest way to add an asset to your scene is simply by dragging it into the canvas. Navigate to the Asset Browser by clicking the tab on the bottom of the web editor that says "Assets." Choose any asset you like, whether public or your own, and drag them into the canvas above the Asset Browser.

Your newly imported asset should show up in the canvas soon after, and a new asset element will be created in the hierarchy at the top level.


Create an Asset Element

To create an asset element, you can use the element menu in the hierarchy. The element menu can be accessed by clicking on the 3 dots at the end of the experience root element. Open the element menu, select "Create...," then select "Asset."


When you create a new asset element, you will see its position gizmo appear in the canvas at the origin. This newly created element is known as an empty element because no asset is assigned to it.

Assign an Asset

To assign an asset to your new element, you first need to choose which asset to assign. Navigate to the Assets tab at the bottom of the web editor to see all the assets you have access to.

In the Assets tab, you can find many public assets which are available for anyone to use, or you can upload your own assets.

Make sure the empty asset element is selected. Once you have chosen an asset, drag the asset to the "Drop an asset here" section of the inspector.


In the canvas, a white bounding box will appear as the asset loads in. It may take several seconds for the asset to load. When it is finished loading, a green bounding box will appear around the loaded asset.

Replace an Asset

At any time, you can replace an already assigned asset by dragging a new asset into the "Drop an asset here" section of the inspector.


The new asset may take several seconds to load before appearing on the canvas.

Assign Assets in the Hierarchy

Alternatively, assets can be assigned directly in the hierarchy instead of using the inspector. Simply drag the asset to the element you wish to assign.


Remove Asset Assignment

To remove an asset from an element, simply click the X on the asset thumbnail in the inspector.


Removing an asset assignment this way only removes the asset, but the asset element still remains in the canvas and hierarchy.

Delete an Element

To delete an element, you can use the element menu in the hierarchy. Click on the 3 dots, select "Delete," and then select "Confirm" in the confirmation message that appears.


You can delete an element with or without an asset assigned to it. Deleting an element removes it from both the canvas and the hierarchy.

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